Submitted Date 10/08/2018

Trump creates an audience by doing the unthinkable

He takes shots at a Senator who is a war hero

He states he wants to give Senator Warren a DNA test

How about we test the children of all the women he slept with.

He calls a dictator with nukes Little rocket man

Then decides the next day he wants to be friends

He alienates our trusted allies with insults

It’s like he is a child and not an adult

He calls athlete’s mothers bitches

But a mother is what gave him existence

He mocks the Me-Too- Movement

Because he’s scared of the woman’s rights revolution

The release of those Hollywood access tapes

Only proves Trump is nothing but a fake

To say he does what he wants with women

Should not be accepted or forgiven

Oh, Locker room talk is what he calls that shit

No, it’s insecure hyperbole he commits

You see he feels he needs to embellish

Because he worries about his own failures

For Pete’s sake, Trump bankrupted a casino

The house always wins, doesn’t he know

The man has no business in politics

Because he’s nothing but a Putin sidekick

I don’t believe that he’s against abortion

Anymore then by Putin, there is no extortion

Was there collusion I don’t know

But I bet in time Robert Mueller will show

This is a man who separated and lost over 3,000 children

You can’t play fair with someone that inhuman

They shouldn’t have crossed illegally he claims

That’s a response from someone who himself is ashamed

It doesn’t matter if they are illegal immigrants or not

They are still children that don’t deserve to be locked up

How does he justify putting them in dog cages?

I’d like to hear his hyperbole explanation

They aren’t cages they are chain link walls Nielson says

Dude, how stupid do you think America is

Then she goes to a Mexican restaurant to eat

And is appalled people protested her at her seat

We are Americans whose ancestors came from other lands

When we see something wrong we take a stand

Because we are the future of past immigrants

That helped make this country as great as it is

Trump ran on the idea that he would drain the swamp

But his own administration has been nothing but a flop

He’s hired the corrupt and unqualified

And his truthful hyperbole is used only to misguide

He doesn’t care what side he is on

He sees both DNC and GOP as pawns

Civil Liberties, he doesn’t care

He wins by bullying and being unfair

The poison shit that comes out his mouth

This Is not what this country is about

He can dish it out but he sure as hell can’t take it

That unhealthy diet obviously left him constipated

And Covfefe is not a damn word

The pronunciation attempts are even more absurd

Even worse he can’t even admit his mistake

Humility is what makes us all human and not fake

Just to be clear also, Trumps isn’t orange he’s peach

The color of his hair and eyes they look bleached

How ironic that he’s the perfect color

So, we can impeach that ignorant sucker