Submitted Date 09/07/2019

Five Powerful Ways to Gain More Restful Sleep at Night

Have you ever made this statement? (I know I have!)

"Oh, I feel like I had no sleep at all last night." "I am so tired!!" That is how an unfulfilled person sounds when they grumble about how they slept.

How can you actually sleep for five or more hours and still feel like you did not sleep? Well, you did not rest; you only "slept."


Restful sleep each night is natural for some people. Others need to follow a few powerful rules precisely to gain a more restful sleep each night.

What can you do to gain more restful sleep nightly? Let us have a look at some means of getting enough restful sleep.


Where Do You Sleep?

Where you sleep has almost everything to do with the quality of sleep you get at night. There is a blunt difference in the quality of sleep, and you get when you fall asleep on the couch, and when you sleep in your preferred bed with a high-quality mattress and pillow.

The quality of your bedding has a strong effect on the quality of sleep you get at night. Poor-quality bedding does not only affect sleep quality. It may also be the cause of back, hip, or joint pains. It is essential to ensure you sleep in a very comfortable bed which holds higher quality - to gain more restful sleep at night regularly.


Consider: Do You Have a Sleep Disorder?

Did you know that somewhere between 50 and 70 million people in the United States have a sleep disorder? This data is discussed on the Sleep Association website, and more information can also be gleaned by visiting the Centers for Disease Control website.

You definitely should visit a doctor if sleeping poorly has affected you in the long term. For example, if the sound sleep of at least six hours nightly has evaded you for many years. There are sleeping problems which may require more medical help than anything else. Individuals who deal with ongoing lack of sleep have increased risks of high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, strokes, and bouts of depression.

Common medically diagnosed sleep problems include sleep apnea, sleep-disorder movement disorder, and sleep-wake rhythm disorder. Doctors prescribe solutions for individuals who have been diagnosed with each of these sleep problems. The medical solutions can help you gain restful sleep more comfortably. Always, visit your doctor or primary care physician if you believe your sleep problem has a medical twist.


Why Do You Need To Relax Before Bedtime?

Why do you need to relax before I go to sleep? Relaxing before bedtime can do you all the good in the world, especially in this busy universe. It is true. Taking time to relax helps you to sleep soundly while keeping those creepy nightmares at bay.

What options do you have to relax before sleeping?

Take a warm bath or shower as part of your pre-bedtime routine. This routine may help you to fall asleep more quickly.

You may also have a relaxing massage. (If you are privileged to have someone to do that for you!) It helps you to sleep more soundly.

Other activities you may try include reading a favorite book, listening to a lullaby, visualizing things which help you to relax, and the list goes on. Through trial and error, you learn what works best for you. Then, you can create a routine out of your favorite ways to relax.


Why Ban Late Evening Meals?

The probability is high that eating late at night has adverse effects on the quality of your sleep. It does not matter if your diet is high or low in carbohydrates.

The real deal is to eat approximately two to four hours before sleeping. Avoiding late-night meals will surely help you in gaining more restful sleep routinely.



Why Develop a Suitable Circadian Rhythm?

Circadian rhythm is pronounced on the National Sleep Foundation website as "basically a 24-hour internal clock" that is consecutively going in the background of your mind and sequences between sleepiness and attentiveness at consistent intervals. This is documented as your sleep and your wake cycle.

Sleeping and rising at about the same period every day is an excellent means of properly regulating your circadian rhythm. Regulating your circadian rhythm until it is most suitable for you is a primary key to gaining more restful sleep at night. In other words, when you train your body to go to sleep at the same time and get up at the same time, this will be helpful for you.


Health Benefits of More Restful Sleep

Of course, we don't want to forget to discuss some of the benefits of sleeping better at night! Sleeping is crucial to better living in so many ways. Your immune system runs more efficiently. You are able to handle pressure more successfully and you gain a better mood throughout the day. Clear thinking will also be a wonderful benefit of obtaining more excellent sleep as well as lowering your risk of significant health problems.


Review of Five Powerful Methods For More Restful Sleep

We have looked at five methods of gaining more restful sleep at night. If you have minor sleeping disorders, any one or more of these methods may help you gain a better night's rest. Evaluate where you sleep regularly and keep it consistent.

Learn to get up and go to bed around the same time each day to develop suitable circadian rhythms. Ban late-night eating and find different ways to relax before going to sleep each night. If all else fails, do not hesitate to talk to your family practitioner.

Your health is essential, and you only have one life on earth. Moreover, it is imperative to maintain the best possible quality of life. A respectable night's rest is vital to your ability to have a happy, productive day to day living. Watch out for those benefits of gaining restful sleep that you will soon discover for yourself!

How do you sleep at night?

Do you have unique ways to relax before going to sleep at night? I would love to hear your opinions and suggestions! Please leave your commentaries below and share your thoughts!



Barbi Green


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  • Ceara 4 years, 7 months ago

    Sleep can be so tricky! I like to reflect on my day chat with my husband for a few minutes before shutting my eyes and doing a breathing exercise to help me fall asleep.

    • Barbi Green 4 years, 7 months ago

      Breathing exercises can be so helpful in falling to sleep and sleeping better. If I have had a stressful day when I lay down I like to breathe in deeply then exhale. When I exhale, I think about any negative thoughts and such leaving. Then, when I take a breath in, I think about it being cleansing to my body and my mind! It helps to unwind and to sleep better as well!

  • No name 4 years, 7 months ago

    I definitely needed these.