Submitted Date 03/02/2019

Dear Me before I was 5,

How was life

I heard we use to like to read

I heard you knew how to speak

I heard you such a smart kid

and it was all just taken away


Were you happy

Were you legendary

Were you smart enough to skip kindergarten

Were you makeing other people happy even then


I remember bits and peices

I remember that your happy face was your normal face because you were actually and always happy

I remember you knew how to make friends

I remember you were the nices guy

Now you're considered the average star at night

not shining as bright

just trying to shine

but not shine bright enough to gudie the ones who need the light


I was told you were wise

I was told you knew your wrongs and rights

I was told you were the cool guy


at the age of 5 the year 2005

you and my memories were wiped by a Grade IV Brain tumor that night

Now the signs of a light

was deleted out of sight

out of mind

I feel we would be a different man if life kept you that time

Now I'm just a musican that people still see with possibility

When we lost everything that you migh come back to me

the lkight that I need to shine brighter then me to be happy

with what I'm doing

Cause you would be the genius people see in me

while I feel like my 5 yewar old self

is still doing better then


happy 13 year anniversary, 5 year old me

-from othello Pass


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