Submitted Date 08/10/2020

August 8, 2020

A Social Studies teacher in the WasaLoo School District in South Dakota is suing a student for disrupting the workplace environment. The thirty-two year vet, Daryl Paulson, a tenth grade American History teacher, is the primary complainant (among twelve other teachers) who filed the suit in WasaLoo County Courts on Friday.

The plaintiffs allege that nineteen year old Draven Lysander, a second year senior at WasaLoo Senior High, consistently and deliberately disrupted the workplace environment so that the teachers could not perform their job with educational fidelity.

Sure to be a state and possibly national landmark case, court documents allege that the second year senior:

· Swore at teachers and students in the classroom and in the halls.

· Made sexually charged remarks that that were derisive, homosladerous, and genderslandours which incited anger, embarrassment, and withdrawal, especially from the female students and students who identify in non-traditional gender or sexual roles.

· Was verbally aggressive to students and several times physically abusive.

· Vandalized whiteboards, textbooks, locker rooms, lockers, desks, and hallways with obscene drawings.

· Interrupted the teachers with rude commentary and off topic remarks.

· Incited other students to disobey classroom rules in order to halt education and disrupt efforts in the classroom.

· Involved himself in fights that he either started or aided as an accomplice.

The plaintiffs, Paulson et. al, claim that these acts "inhibited effective education in the classroom, hurt student and teacher moral, and inhibited Paulson and his colleagues from effectively preparing the other students in their classes for their best futures."

According to those same court documents, the plaintiffs allege that "Punitive means such as ISS, OSS, detentions, and the like did nothing to rectify the behavior. Teachers and administration worked with him to no avail."

Documents also state, "Every one of these behaviors would never be tolerated in any workplace for this duration of time, why should they be tolerated in the classroom and in our school? Behaviors such as these would nullify employment, rights, and benefits - and for that person, and for many of these behaviors - there are clear and longstanding precedents for legal action."

Paulson's lawyer, Ryker Mathison, who is not employed or affiliated with the South Dakota's Teacher's Union, stated in his address to the media on the steps of the WasaLoo Courthouse, "It's time to take this school back from Draven Lysander. He has had carte blanche in regards to the actions that he has taken against hard working educators, and the teachers themselves feel helpless and have very few rights to fulfill their responsibilities with integrity."

Mathison further railed from the steps of the courthouse in front of flashing cameras, "Can you imagine these behaviors tolerated by an employer in any other workplace capacity? Is this the way we want our nurses and doctors talking to patients? Is this the way one would want to be treated at Gunderson's dealership. Is this the way we want out politicians to… Well never mind the politicians…"

And of the suit itself, Mathison, a thirty-four year veteran of the courts, outlined their case in three parts:

* "First, we are going to make it clear by defining and proving that our classrooms are indeed workplace environments.

* "Secondly, we will prove without a shadow of a doubt that these behaviors are a clear impediment to a student's best future, and that these actions derail not only education, but harm other students.

* "Thirdly, we are going to extract damages from the defendant that will create in him a grave recognition (and all those who are like Draven Lysander) that these behaviors will not be tolerated in our schools any more. This landmark case will set a precedent and allow teachers to take the power back in their classrooms."

Mathison finished his statement with confident words. "We have an exceptionally strong case, and continue to build on it with a myriad of documented evidence of harassment and abuse, and an incredible number of witnesses, video documentation, and firsthand accounts. Litigation against Draven Lysander will make him an example for other teachers, schools, and districts to follow."

Lysander was reached at home via telephone. The second year senior stated of the suit, "I didn't do any of this sh*t and they don't have the evidence to prove it. It's all Bullsh*t. They've been after me for years. I hate this school. They're all a bunch of bit**es and liars."

Judge Terry Eget, an eighteen year veteran of the docket will preside over the case. Eget refused to comment at this time.

Keep abreast of this story and more. State and national districts will be following this case closely.

I've never told a truth in my life.  And OJ Simpson is a killer.


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