Submitted Date 11/10/2019

Bing vs. Google vs. Yahoo

Is Google screwing us? (I personally do not trust them!)

As mentioned earlier, I have been studying SEO since the summer of 1997, one year before Google went online for the first time as a search engine. Can you say Dogpile? Still one of my more favorite search engines.

Dogpile the oldest of the BEST search engines!

There's no question who the top two search engines are in this world, but that doesn't mean you have to like it. You might not realize this, but the second most used search engine now is Google-owned YouTube!


For the last few years, I have been questioning why it is that both Bing and Yahoo will usually deliver better, more relevant search results than Google does for the very same search query. Why? This is a very consistent situation and I invite you to do your own research with this troubling situation.

And why at times can the difference in the results be surprisingly different with Bing and Yahoo winning out by having the most relevant results?

Bing & Yahoo vs. Google

I'm just a mere mortal and cannot tell you why this is so, all I can do is ask why is this so. So why? I can give you the "simple" answer, but it doesn't tell us anything.

The simple reason is that the algorithms of the Bing, Google and Yahoo search engines are different, therefore there will be variants in the results. But how much does that tell you? Are you satisfied with that answer? I know that I am not.

Please do not expect to find the answer here, because it is not to be found here nor maybe anywhere else that can say as an absolute fact. But something is up with Google, I think!

If you spend some time searching for the answers to this on the net, you will see that there is certainly some real controversies when comparing these search engines and their results. This is one quick web article that mentions some of these differences:

Another interesting web article: As far as performing your own SEO analysis on the web, this is a good explanation as to why you do NOT use Google as your neutral or anonymous search engine! When performing an analysis, you do not want to be using a search engine that already "knows" you! Thus why to use the Epic web browser and several search engines when performing your SEO analysis.

So far I guess this chapter has been more of a rant on Google than it is about SEO factors, but knowing the many available search engines is a handy knowledge to have on your side. And that would be:

Another SEO Factor - Know Your Search Engines!

When you are doing your SEO analysis and checking various related search queries for results are you only checking with Google? STOP!

It is to your benefit to see exactly what the same search query will bring up in other search engines, especially Bing and Yahoo! You might just find that you're not doing as poorly as you think in the rankings as you did by just checking Google.

Yet Another SEO tip!

When performing your SEO analysis by checking various related search queries across several search engines I recommend using a "neutral" or an anonymous web browser like Mozilla's Epic.

Open three or more tabs and have Bing, Google and Yahoo each on one of the tabs. For the fun of it have Dogpile and Duckduckgo on a tab as well. Dogpile uses a collective result that has first weighed in what the other search engines came up with.

Bing vs. Google

I've been performing this very method of examining search results for several years now. It is baffling to me how Google can offer a quite different listing of results that are not nearly as relevant as what Bing and Yahoo present for the same friggin' query.

I would not be pondering this as angrily as I do if it would be the other way around. Google is the most used search engine and many times I find it not giving the most relevant results of the three search engines.

Time after time I can show you search query results in Bing and Yahoo where several of my webpages will be listed on the very first page of results, whereas with Google and the same query I might have only one webpage listed on the first page of results. And times where I might have two or three webpages listed on the first page of results on Bing and Yahoo there will be nothing listed for me on the first page of results with Google! It is rare for this to flip flop.

With the methods of organic SEO that I use, I expect that many times to have multiple listings on the first page of search results, especially with Bing and Yahoo.

The thing is, how do you explain to the client why your work is not showing up on Google, but there it is on Bing and Yahoo. You know you have to be doing something right for this even to be happening.

And how does Google continue to lead the other search engines in use when it doesn't always work better than the other ones?

The various search engines

I would like to present one quick example. First, open the Epic web browser and then open four tabs. For each opened tab have one of these five search engines on them, Bing, Dogpile, Duckduckgo, Google, and Yahoo. In the search field of each of them type the same three-word query, "ice mitigation Colorado" and watch what happens.

DuckDuckGo vs. Google

EDIT!: My client sold their business this year and the new owners are phasing out all my previous work! Why? Because they don't have a webmaster anymore, what they have now is someone that knows how to use a particular Wordpress template and are changing the well-working and established static webwork to a dynamic one when it certainly does not need to be! Therefore as time passes, the below example will prove less of an example as the time goes by. (Darn it!)

First, there is no question for me that I will have at minimum at least one of my webpages on the first page of results for all five search engines, but which search engines will have the most results on the first page?

Keep in mind my special backlinking methods of using many different domains that are satellite websites surrounding one main website. By implementing this method it is very possible to have more than one webpage listed within the first page of search results. I know this works because I proved it out over a decade ago. Please refer back to Part Five where I talk more extensively about this technique.

For you to be able know what webpages are the ones I have created, you won't be able to distinguish them until you open the link because this one client has over two hundred domains. Anything that mentions Lightning Mobile Inc., is my work, excepting now, their main website, which is friggin' Wordpress.

With Google's results, there are several of my satellite websites still being listed on the first page of results.

On Bing again I see that the majority of the hits for the first page of results are webpages that I created and government websites. For this query, Yahoo looks the same as Bing, as does Dogpile and Duckduckgo.

Now you can certainly see the differences between the search engines, as well as this being a great example of the technique that I call, "Stacking the Deck". This is where you put enough of your work on the first page of search results as to put your competition on the second page. It hardly seems fair at times, but it is totally white hat. So there's an example where I have one of my clients listed at least a few times on the first page of results across the board of search engines.

And to further blow your minds, is a parked domain!

This is one of the differences that I can show you between Google and Bing. Google will not list since it is a parked domain. However, because I am using a special trick I perfected a decade ago, it looks just like an actual website when you see it listed on Bing, Yahoo, Dogpile and Duckduckgo!

Remember the Big Three, Part Two of this series? This is how important URLs and domain names can be if you know how to use them! A parked domain is showing up ahead of real websites in the search results for four of the five search engines!

In the search results with the other four search engines, you will see maybe a couple of .mobi websites. The .mobi is a special top-level domain for the domains that are made for mobile use and I will explain this in detail in one of the following parts of this series of articles. This can be a very handy SEO technique to use.

Always check your search queries against several search engines so that you truly understand how well your SEO implementation is working.

You can find How To Create SEO Organically Part One here:

You can find How To Create SEO Organically Part Two here:

You can find How To Create SEO Organically Part Three here:

You can find How To Create SEO Organically Part Four here:

You can find How To Create SEO Organically Part Five here:

You can find How To Create SEO Organically Part Seven here:

As a reference and as just a simple example of backlinking, you can also find all my "How To Create SEO Organically" articles listed here:

Should you need SEO advice and analysis and/or a static website loaded with all my SEO factors please leave me a message here. I also can be found at

Organic SEO Services Available


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