Submitted Date 10/09/2018

Her testimony gave rise

to other allegations,

all pointing to reason

for further investigation.

He lied to their  faces

for self-preservation,

a tireless effort

to attain confirmation.

Heartbreaking as it is

to watch the precipitation

of people at that  rally

mocking her humiliation,

discrediting her attack

due to his solid reputation,

claiming he's the victim of

unjust vilification,

denying her truth

for lack of corroboration.

It's time to wake up

and smell the dehumanization.

Here we are again

waiting for them to have a revelation,

hoping to bear witness

to the rebirth of our nation,

one where women are respected

despite their political affiliation.

With midterms  approaching,

it's time for a  demonstration

of what happens when women reach

the peak of aggravation.

It's the year of the woman,

time for equal representation.

Head to the polls ladies

and bring your voter registration.


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