Submitted Date 11/09/2019

This feeling of disillusionment weighs heavily

I want to yell at them

shake them

awaken them from this Twilight Zone

Why can't they see it?

How could they have forgotten?

We were supposed to be in this together

United we stand

Divided we fall

Was it all for nothing?


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  • Ashley Aker 4 years, 5 months ago

    a poem that can be read by everyone, just as passionately where ever they align politically. thank you for the post!

    • Miranda Fotia 4 years, 5 months ago

      It's funny that way, isn't it? Thanks for reading!

    • Ashley Aker 4 years, 5 months ago

      Yes, I think it speaks to the strength of the poem. Plays really well with perspective... and how we are all the same in a way.

    • Miranda Fotia 4 years, 5 months ago

      Very perceptive. We really are more alike than we are different. I hope both sides can eventually find a middle ground again.

  • Jacqueline Hemingway 1 year, 7 months ago

    Great job Miranda at making the point succinctly! It provokes one to think of their own position in the political realm, and hopefully question the divisive chasm we have allowed our political machinations to veer into in such a volatile way.

    • Miranda Fotia 1 year, 7 months ago

      It's so funny the way one can start to view people as completely different than everything they are. We are so much more alike than we think. When I feel that horrible feeling of us vs. them, it's good to put it into perspective how everything they are reading and watching is making them feel just as angry. I have decided to now only attend to things I see with my own eyes and feel in my heart. Taking things at face value and seeing the best of people from interaction and not speculation.