Submitted Date 11/23/2018

“The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.”

Chuck Palahniuk


What you are about to read is my effort to take down a tragic family history that ended in murder, arson and eventually Death Row for my uncle, Ray Boero.  Yes, Ray Boero; you likely know the name.

I know those of you who followed the case (or turned on the news that year, for that matter) were told a lot of falsehoods as fact. You were led to believe a lot of things. The story you got was sensational and sad. It’s an awful story that would be commemorated in “made for TV” movies for decades.

The Boeros – my family - have become synonymous with death, destruction and insanity.  I can’t dispute that our story is incredibly unsettling but I can tell you t hat what you have seen on TV, in magazines, on the internet, and elsewhere – the things that you have been fed – are largely falsehoods.

Some of what you know is true but a lot of it is completely wrong. The heartbreak of it all is that the real story is no less tragic or troubling. If you can believe it, in this case, the truth is stranger – and more twisted - than the fiction.

Throughout the book, you will read accounts from the entire family and what I have created is a patchwork. It has not been easy stitching together this book.

I do not relish telling this story but I would be lying if I don't feel relief to finally know it. This is the truth of my family; their true story and, therefore, mine.


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  • Miranda Fotia 5 years, 1 month ago

    From someone who has experience with madness, tragedy and monstrous acts that led to rightfully earned prison time within my own family, I can totally relate to the tone you have expressed in your preface. Great start!