Submitted Date 09/30/2019

We awoke at 10 a.m. I had to go to the store. I bought milk. You read the newspaper on the couch. You made coffee. When I got back from the store I made a bowl of granola. When I was washing dishes I noticed a knife with peanut butter on it. I realized in that moment that you had peanut butter toast for breakfast. The entire morning I knew I wanted to go to the Salton Sea but when you asked what we should do I said nothing in response. After you showered we drove away in the car to the Salton Sea.

I woke up at 9:32 wondering why I had a blanket on me. The first thing that occurred to me was the hot tub machine, which was still on. I had my coffee, facing the unknown desert. You woke up and did your own things in the morning while I was enjoying this slow morning by lazily reading my newspaper and drinking my coffee below the sun. I knew even, in the beginning, you wanted to go to the Salton Sea. I have surely been curious about this place from the day you told me about it.

Today we awoke at 11:30 a.m. I cleaned the house so not to feel cluttered. I thought of cutting strawberries and blackberries but instead, I took a shower. I wanted to feel clean for you. When I came out of the shower you asked me if I wanted eggs. I had to ask you to repeat what you said. It sounded like a blurred English French sentence. You tried to make raw bacon work. I said, "Maybe you should cook it at 400 degrees in the oven" and you did. Raw and crispy all at the same time. We ate every bite together and finished together.

Today we awoke at 11:00 a.m. I immediately thought I should make breakfast. I thought about cutting some strawberries and a banana. I turned around to see your face and you were awake, you looked happy. I was sleepy and it took me awhile to awake. I made breakfast. Every action I made to cook was a blur. You wanted to help me cook but I insisted that you color. We had only a short time to finish the owl. The owls are never what they seem. We laid on the floor next to each other. I move closer and closer to you. Because I want to. Because I like how you treat me. You are intrigued by bacon.

I woke up with a slight hangover willing to extend my time in bed as long as I could. I finally made it out of the room and found you preparing coffee and breakfast while watching My Cousin Vinny. After breakfast as Vinny was getting closer and closer to win the case, it was less and less important for us. The morning ended in confusion and sweat on the carpet.

This morning I awoke thinking it seemed really bright in the room. I was not ready yet for the day. Sometimes time escapes in moments you never want to end. I wish I could spread those moments out evenly like the peanut butter, banana, and strawberry toast we had for breakfast.

When we awoke your pupils were larger than normal. Our feelings were wider than normal as well and all we wanted to do was eat those surprisingly good peanut butter bacon toasts. We had to check out of the place which created preparation. We said goodbye to the magnificent owl and left.

This ol' dog awoke from someone else's world, I thought immediately, I need coffee. I left the comfort of your arms to find some. I initially went in the wrong direction and passed an older couple who glanced at me with curiosity. I found my way to the coffee and brought it back to you in a styrofoam cups that were not intuitive. We ate Belgian waffles served by a friendly Asian woman while watching Fox news on the television. Trump wants to cut taxes. We went back to our room after breakfast and you insisted that we run a mile. We ran until we were dripping with sweat. Then we showered and looked at maps.

You woke up earlier to get some coffee. I was still in bed when you got back. I had a cigarette under the hot morning sun and joined you for breakfast. We had gigantic waffles full of butter and jelly. We watched four identical looking people on Fox news. We got back to the room and loved. I had another sunny cigarette while you showered.

We woke up early and said goodbye for the first time. We went to the empty breakfast room where no one was there to make waffles. We had eggs and a tasty crispy bacon. The morning programmer was talking about why and how you should blow your nose and how to use anti perspirant. The day started to be shaded. I packed my stuff while you cleaned your car. We had to rush a little so we could go to the beach before hitting the road. That is where we said goodbye for the second time.



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