Submitted Date 12/03/2018

Once again this house
is drywall and paint
The sea-green no longer vibrates
with eager ghosts
the joists holding up the ceiling
diffuse no energy but stand stoic above.
I hold no joy no pain no ecstasy
in a corporal cage:
my spirit flows into the walls
occupies the library
when no one is there
floats in the aqua pool under the sun
leans its elbows on the counter
stained with a ring of last night's wine.
It haunts the upstairs room
where no one ever goes
becomes a thing of animation
stirring when I'm in love
like a dozen owls in the attic chamber
hungry for the hunt.
But this morning my steps
on the grey tile report no echo
curious, I peer into corners
of dust and cobweb
in search of soul
but indifference replies 
with a gaze shifted sideways
There is nothing for it
but to open the windows
gather the void
release it to the world
and wait for another storm
to seize my sanctuary.

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