Submitted Date 02/18/2022

When I first began writing, there was so much emphasis on getting your name published for the first time.

Early on, one website owner told me that all the writers on his blog would be able to publish our own names, complete with our own mini-biography. Woo-hoo, I was beyond excited!

What an achievement to have my name attached to my work I thought to myself, and was beyond thrilled when my name was published for the first time.

My current work assignment is content editing and writing for a small advertising company based in Southern California. We design websites and advertising strategies for small businesses in industries such as plumbing, renovation, landscaping, painting, etc.

Here my work is anonymous, and I have grown to like it that way.

My co-workers and my boss know I'm Asian, they see my last name attached to all drafts and inner-office communications. Though I am provided a list of client requests, I never see the clients face-to-face or speak with them directly. Upon publication of their site, clients might see a company name, but not the name of the individual writer.

I average about 200 clients a month. The reason why I am mentioning how many clients I write for, is because sometimes I wonder, what percentage of the clients that I write for hold anti-Asian views.

Just my own opinion here: from what I've personally experienced with the pandemic, I would put the number between 40 to 60%. Probably higher.

All of these small businesses are scattered throughout every corner of the United States. I've gotten to know the various regions throughout our nation, through the stories of each of the individual shop owners.

There are so many colorful areas and counties - with fascinating street names and super-creative business names - I've learned so much with this position. I write for businesses and owners with all types of political affiliations, mentalities, perspectives, and backgrounds.

The absolute vitriol that I have faced out running errands and living daily life in public - has been saddening. I can see the hate on facial expressions and hear the cold tones grate against my ears, I can sense anger in your gaze.

While writing Monday through Friday for my clients across the country, I wonder how many despise me. I wonder how many of these same clients that I compose delightful website prose for, how many would perhaps refuse my words if they knew I was Asian?

That is also a question I don't really want to know the answer to. I'm very satisfied that when I write websites for this company - my name isn't attached to my work.

Starting out as a fledgling writer, I would have thought that not having my name attached to something, would make me feel less important somehow. Instead, I feel invigorated, I feel like the great healer - a lone, mysterious unifier.

Happy energy is created when clients are pleased with my work, and it is healing to produce content for everyone - even for those that view me with disgust.


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  • Tanya Marion 2 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks for sharing such personal writing. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that type of discrimination, but your attitude about it is inspiring. Your clients are lucky to have you writing for them, and I’m glad you’re part of this WriteSpike community where you can write openly and without fear 🧡