Submitted Date 11/09/2019

We've all been told

that when the time comes

we must not approach,

we must not go toward the light.


It was like walking into a dimension—

from one to another—

I chose to do it,

then I saw nothing but white,


with the exception of one silhouetted hanging plant swaying in the corner.


At first I thought I'd bump into a counter,

or fall into a hole, or off a cliff.

But the sure-footed confidence of my dreaming mind

led me forward. Steady into the bright white nothing.


My eyes flashed open, awake, to my transparent blue curtains

looking out to nothing. No definition of trees or mountain lines or craggy cliffs.

I didn't move—brain zings tracking time. I realized

no living soul could know what that was like. I took a picture


of chipped paint, scuffed wood, my compost bag,

and that bright white sky.


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  • Ashley Aker 4 years, 5 months ago

    At first I thought I'd bump into a counter.or fall into a hole, or off a cliff.
    :) I am so glad you posted. I really was hooked with these lines above. I love how it escalates from something minor and more familiar to a cliff which forces you to question your senses. I feel like I would know if I were close to a cliff, but losing that trust in yourself. Thank you!

    • K 4 years, 5 months ago

      Nothing makes me happier than knowing you connected to something I've written! So glad you enjoyed it. You're welcome, and thank you for the reflection!